P.IVA 07939530965 | IGN Italia è testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano. Post Comment. 16 jun. In this MK11 Scorpion Combos Guide, you will learn his combo moves and learn about controls to perform them on PS4… Santi Seguí . Scorpion is another popular character and this time he is with Sub-Zero. Mortal Kombat XL combos y movimientos finales. Mortal Kombat XL PS4 07 Maggio 2015. Mortal Kombat 11 Video Game Guides. Retrouvez tous les codes et astuces du jeu Mortal Kombat X pour PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Android, iPad et iPhone/iPod Touch. Guide de Mortal Kombat consacré au personnage "Scorpion" afin de voir tous ses combos, coups spéciaux et fatalités. Mortal Kombat: Scorpion's Revenge - Trailer Di Presentazione. Demon Fire is a blow which can't be blocked. 2016. Copy Link. Share. IGN Italia è realizzato su licenza da Vusumo SRL, Viale Giustiniano, 7, 20129 Milano, Italia. Rick2236. Scorpion uses a spear to attack opponents to execute some strong combos you have to be a lot near to the opponent. 0. 33. Registrazione 343 del 11-9-2012. Per avere un tasso di cambio aggiornato, utilizza il. By Raaj Last updated Apr 25, 2019. Next Sektor Prev Reptile. Welcome to our Mortal Kombat X Moves and Finishers Guide. Spear is a stun projectile which inflicts minor damage. 54. We tried to cover every aspect of the game … Our guide is divided and spredas accross more than 40 pages. 117. Caught enemies, no matter what their current position is, will be pulled to the Scorpion (in standing position). Mortal Kombat X, guía completa - Scorpion. 2 de junio de 2016 - 14:37 CEST. Scorpion Mortal Kombat Guide. You can access them all with the menu below. Unfortunately its slow performance doesn't allow using it in combos. We are very happy to share you knowledge with you.