Nothing helped - this is how the game actually plays and it's not pretty. Overall, I do think Control is worth checking out - especially so if you're on PS4 Pro or Xbox One X - as it's absolutely fascinating from a design perspective. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. We think it's a small price to pay for unlimited access to RiderOfTheApocalypse 30 août 2019, 14h30. This content is hosted on an external platform, which will only display it if you accept targeting cookies. Never miss a thing. Where to find and how to complete all Mythic Tales in Ghost of Tsushima. J’espère un patch salvateur pour le framerate sur xbox one s, sinon j’attendrai une version stadia pour y jouer. The game is worth checking out but there are performance issues and some of them can be show-stopping, depending on the hardware you're gaming on. Nous ne souhaitons pas troller, pas tomber dans la gueguerre des consoles et d’ailleurs, nous jouons sur toutes les machines. C’est effectivement le sens. It's by far the smoothest experience overall, but hitching and stuttering still interupt the flow of the game. Plus: 4K quality modes and Series S 60fps tested. Digital FoundryAssassin's Creed Valhalla patch 1.0.4: Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 re-tested. using state-of-the-art capture systems and bespoke software to show you how well Avec une résolution de 1440p, agrémentée d’un anti aliasing efficace, le visuel sur Xbox One X se révèle extrêmement propre. It works on the Sony and Microsoft boxes, but the game reaches another level on PC, with Control featuring one of the most impressive DXR ray tracing implementations we've seen. It looks different, but can hardly be described as a lower quality implementation. Et sans surprise la version Xbox One X surplombe le lot, de la tête, et des épaules ! Unfortunately, the most significant issue here lies in the obstrusive loading after you die - think Bloodborne and you'll have some idea of what I'm talking about here. Il vaut le détour? On Xbox One S, I encountered stuttering and momentary freezing during video playback, while small hitches during UI navigation do point to an IO issue of some kind. Best of the bunch is clearly Xbox One X. to supply high quality 4K video for offline viewing. Will you support the Digital Foundry team? Overall, I do think Control is worth checking out - especially so if you're on PS4 Pro or Xbox One X - as it's absolutely fascinating from a design perspective. Le plus pb en fait, c’est le rendu sur les machines d’origine…c’est n’importe quoi ! Ton commentaire m’a fait bien rire, moi je suis content de cette concurrence, les graphismes progressent en conséquence et ce pour nos mirettes, donc pourvu que ce concours continue! Quand on a qu’une seule console, on ne passe pas son temps à ne jouer qu’aux exclus dessus. to show you what 4K gaming actually looks like we needed to build our own platform Control sur Xbox One : retrouvez toutes les informations, les tests, les vidéos et actualités du jeu sur tous ses supports. This site © 2020 Gamer Network Limited. RiderOfTheApocalypse 1 septembre 2019, 09h23. En ce qui concerne les consoles de base, la version Xbox One S tourne en 720p, avec de grosses chutes de framerate, lorsque l’écran se charge ! Microsoft a les moyens de faire beaucoup mieux que Sony, à n’importe quel moment. Control does a reasonable job of streaming in world data as you play but you'll notice textures drawing in at points. It's mildly off-putting, but not a major issue. Find out more about the benefits of our Patreon. Bref, les 6 teraflops de la Xbox One X sont visiblement bien mis à contribution ! Digital Foundry specialises in technical analysis of gaming hardware and software, Amateur dev remakes CD-i games Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon so we can suffer them again, 27 years later, Digital FoundryWatch Dogs: Legion - essentially identical on PS5 and Xbox Series X. It ran so poorly that we ran through a range of checks, from rebooting the console completely to running Control on other PS4 units (the fan kicking in hard on a launch model). How well does Remedy's latest blockbuster, Control, stack up on consoles? In marketing the game, Remedy and publisher 505 have pushed PC to the forefront, to the extent where not much was seen of the console versions prior to launch. Je joue sur toutes les plateformes, pc compris et je pense qu’il serait bien d’éviter de balancer de l’huile sur le feu dans cette guéguerre de gamin. PC coverage to follow! Vous recevrez un lien par e-mail pour créer un nouveau mot de passe. Right now, the base PS4 and Xbox One versions do need work in getting them into shape. First of all, the game's loading systems aren't quite as optimal as we'd like. The good news is that all console versions of Control essentially deliver the exact same visual feature set, the only real exception we could find being an adjustment to the shadow rendering solution on the base Xbox One. Quant aux exclus, argument bidon. Doté d’un framerate en 30 images par secondes très stable, les rixes en deviennent d’autant plus jouissives ! Xbox One X delivers by far and away the best console experience on all counts, but the PS4 Pro is a decent enough runner-up. So we did. This is followed by the PS4 Pro. The vanilla PlayStation 4 gets a bump to 900p, rising to 1080p on PlayStation 4 Pro. Hes also responsible for the creation of DF Retro. To begin with, Control flatters to deceive and the first hour of the game plays out quite smoothly on the consoles. The same trick is used on all other versions, just with adjustments to the base resolution. Perhaps surprisingly, it's the PS4 that drops hardest and longest, making it noticeably the least performant version of the game. Et cet article est très intéressant pour ceux en effet qui, comme moi, ont les deux consoles. Getting to the bottom of the game's reported frame-rate problems. Entrez votre nom d'utilisateur ou votre adresse e-mail. games and hardware run, visualising precisely what they're capable of. Again, like Remedy's previous game, it does tend to lose fidelity in motion, but the overall look is good. All Rights Reserved. Bercé aux jeux vidéo depuis l’Amstrad, j’ai vécu ma vie vidéoludique sur cet adage: mieux vaut rouler en fiesta et avoir un paquet de jeux, qu’en Porsche, et d’en avoir aucun! Staff Writer, Digital Foundry | Nos amis geeks technos de Digital Foundry viennent de publier la vidéo comparative des versions consoles de Control, le dernier bébé de Remedy. Our videos are multi-gigabyte files and we've chosen a high quality provider to ensure Digital FoundrySuper Mario 3D All-Stars: remasters, emulation - or a mixture of both? Ce concours de bite est d’un ridicule, il faut croire que la communauté Xbox ne vaut pas mieux que Ps4. All items behave independently, and the sheer amount of them in any given scene creates scenes of unparalleled destruction. Our verdict so far? RecommendedCarrion review - an unforgettable monster chews its way out of a solid Metroidvania, RecommendedRaji: An Ancient Epic review - a gorgeous adventure through architecture and myth, Ghost of Tsushima - Mythic Tales locations: Where to find all musicians and get Mythic armour rewards. Voilà, ça c’est symptomatique de la mauvaise foi du fanboy de base. And it'll cost $4.99 USD for a limited time. The bottom line? fast downloads. John Linneman and Alex Battaglia get to grips with all console versions of Control. Xbox One S is better, there's no doubt about it, but it's still a highly unsatisfactory experience overall - a notch above PS4 in troublesome combat but still a game it's hard to recommend. Nos amis geeks technos de Digital Foundry viennent de publier la vidéo comparative des versions consoles de Control, le dernier bébé de Remedy. Yes, you're given objectives to achieve, but there's no on-screen pointer telling you where to go. Par contre, il y a un vrai intérêt à ce genre de vidéo pour connaître le résultat technique, savoir le gap entre Xbox ou One X, quel version acheter si on a plusieurs consoles, etc. Je suis d’accord que c’est puéril mais outre le côté “c’est ma console la meilleure”, il y a une information utile pour ceux qui ont les deux et qui peuvent donc choisir mieux la plateforme idéal pour ce jeu. The game has a very specific aesthetic, built around beautiful global illumination and a physically-based rendering pipeline that adds a stunning level of realism and precision to the way materials interact with the lighting. There's a new Tomb Raider game launching next year, Red Dead Online is getting a standalone release next week on PC and consoles. What we have here is astonishing attention to detail on the smaller scale stuff, all kicking off within the grander destruction of the overall scene.