Call: 240-740-3000 | Spanish Hotline: 240-740-2845 The following individuals have been designated as the employees responsible for coordinating the school system's effort to implement this nondiscriminatory policy: Title IX: Hugh Kight, Montgomery County Board of Education, 703 Dobbins Street, Mount Vernon, GA, 30445, (912) 583-2301. Montgomery County Board of Education Regular Session Meeting December 15, @Clay Community Center, Begins @ 5:30 PM @Clay Community Center Begins @ 5:30 PM Superintendent; Board of Education; Calendar . The COVID-19 Pandemic has deeply impacted many families in Montgomery County. Parents will also be asked to indicate if their child needs MCPS-provided transportation. The MCPS Educational Foundation, the Montgomery County Council of PTAs volunteer network, and MCPS is asking our very giving community to support the Families Helping Families campaign. Both options would allow students to participate in in-person athletics and extracurricular activities. LOCATION 441 Page Street PO Box 427 Troy, NC 27371 • PHONE (910) 576-6511 • FAX (910) 576-2044 • Site Map. MCPS remains committed to follow applicable guidelines from the Maryland Department of Health, our local health department, and the CDC for safe reopening of in-person instruction. Change the color of the page to white on black, Change the color of the page to black on white, Change the color of the page to yellow on black, about COVID-19 Case & Quarantine Live Dashboard, December 8, @Mapleton Elementary, 4:00 PM — 5:00 PM, December 9, @MSE Media Center, Begins @ 3:30 PM, December 9, @Camargo Elementary, Begins @ 3:30 PM, December 15, @Clay Community Center, Begins @ 5:30 PM, December 16, @Media Center, Begins @ 4:30 PM, January 12, @Mapleton Elementary, 4:00 PM — 5:00 PM, January 13, @MSE Media Center, Begins @ 3:30 PM, January 13, @Camargo Elementary, Begins @ 3:30 PM, January 20, @Media Center, Begins @ 4:30 PM, February 9, @Mapleton Elementary, 4:00 PM — 5:00 PM, February 10, @MSE Media Center, Begins @ 3:30 PM, February 10, @Camargo Elementary, Begins @ 3:30 PM, February 17, @Media Center, Begins @ 4:30 PM, March 9, @Mapleton Elementary, 4:00 PM — 5:00 PM, March 10, @MSE Media Center, Begins @ 3:30 PM, March 10, @Camargo Elementary, Begins @ 3:30 PM, March 17, @Media Center, Begins @ 4:30 PM, Ottawa Hills Local Schools logo link to home page, Title I - Parent and Family Engagement Policy, Interactive Map for Attendance Boundaries, Remaining on Virtual Per Governor's Executive Order, COVID-19 Case & Quarantine Live Dashboard, Montgomery County Board of Education Regular Session Meeting. MCPS Parents—Please read this important message which includes information on the parent preference survey. Race, ethnicity, and culture play a powerful role in teaching, leading, and learning. A Thanksgiving Message from Montgomery County Public Schools. The Montgomery County Schools’ live COVID-19 Case and Quarantine Dashboard is now available at the link below. However, the online classroom is in fact a classroom, and it is important that it’s treated as such. Montgomery County Board of Education Regular Session Meeting December 15, @Clay Community Center, Begins @ 5:30 PM @Clay Community Center Begins @ 5:30 PM Call: 240-740-3000 | Spanish Hotline: 240-740-2845 E-mail: Funds donated to the MCPS Educational Foundation Crisis Relief Fund—COVID-19 will be exchanged for grocery gifts cards and distributed. Information about enrollment, staffing, facilities, programs, and more. However, based on changing health and safety guidelines and prioritizing the health and safety of students and staff, capacity will be reduced at each test center. The MCPS equity journey claims, boldly, that a public education must serve all students and this belief is central to district values, strategic planning and budgeting. Staff Directory; Administration . View Student Demographics. FAX (910) 576-2044. KFIs are components of a facility that taken together provide an overall description of an individual school's facility condition. The dashboard is updated automatically so the public can access this dashboard at any time. Watch this message from Superintendent Jack Smith, Deputy Superintendent Monifa McKnight and Montgomery County Board of Education President Shebra Evans. Learn more: Atención familias de MCPS – Lea este importante mensaje que incluye información sobre la encuesta de preferencia de padres.Vea más: We are grateful for our students, their families and our staff. The purpose of this dashboard is to provide the Montgomery county community with identified health metrics that will guide our conversations about the safe return to in-person learning. As we are informed by the Montgomery County Health Department of either positive cases or contacts who have been quarantined amongst our students and … Annually, each school district in Kentucky is asked to review their District Improvement Plan and update the plan to focus on their current goals and initiatives. Whether walking, riding your bike, driving or taking the bus; this website provides safety tips to ensure all of us get to school and get home safely. The Montgomery County Board of Health on Friday ordered all K-12 schools to close for two weeks beginning Nov. 23, a mandate county officials described as a necessary attempt to help slow the surge in coronavirus infections. Contact Employee & Retiree Services Center. The Districtwide Boundary Analysis is an initiative designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of Montgomery County Public School boundaries by analyzing various data points.The most up-to-date information can be found on the linked website. PHONE (910) 576-6511. Please review our district goals and strategies/activities in order to provide feedback to help us on our journey for district-wide improvement. Call: 301-517-8100 | E-mail: ©1995–2020 Montgomery County Public Schools, 850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20850. LOCATION 441 Page Street PO Box 427 Troy, NC 27371. Montgomery County Schools. Call 301-309-6277 | Spanish Hotline: 301-230-3073 E-mail: As teachers are working remotely and children are learning in their homes, occasional disruptions may occur. Montgomery County Rolls Out Multiyear Early Care and Education Action Plan Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich, County Councilmember Nancy Navarro, Montgomery College President Dr. DeRionne Pollard and Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Jack Smith today highlighted the gains achieved in year one of the Early Care and Education Initiative. Starting Nov. 11, parents will be asked to complete this short survey to indicate whether their child(ren) will remain exclusively in a virtual learning environment or engage in a combination of in-person and virtual instruction during the second semester. Montgomery County Public Schools, 850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20850. The Montgomery County Schools’ live COVID-19 Case and Quarantine Dashboard is now available at the link below. E-mail:, Call: 301-517-8100 | E-mail:, ©1995–2020 Montgomery County Public Schools, 850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20850, 11/11/2020 at 5:10 PM -- Refresh page to update message, 11/11/2020, 5:10 PM -- Refresque la página para actualizar mensaje, Office of Human Resources and Development, A Thanksgiving Message from Montgomery County Public Schools, A Community of Support for Families in Need, To learn more about the campaign and to donate. Parents and guardians play a critical role in student learning and achievement and their support is particularly important during virtual learning. Learn more, The most up-to-date information from Montgomery County Public Schools concerning the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is maintained on the linked website. montgomery county schools 2020-2021 X - 3 Hour Early Dismissal C - 3 Hour Early Dismissal AL - Annual Leave H - Holiday O - Optional Workday W - Required Workday R - Remote Learn Day Report card dates could change based on test score availability. The Safe Schools Maryland Tip Line is an anonymous reporting system used to report threats to the safety and/or well-being of students. MCPS is moving forward with the December 5 SAT and December 12 ACT administration at selected high school test centers. College Board or ACT will contact students directly via email if there is a change to their registration status, as this is not managed by MCPS.